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Merchant Insights

Merchant Insights provides you with deeper insights about your customers who has visited your physical or online stores. By analysing the acquiring data, Merchant Insights can provide you with quality data about your customers, where they are from; country or postal codes, how many times and how often they shop with you as well as the average spending power of their visit.

Get to know the details about your business performance and the customers shopping with you. Merchant Insights provides unique insights by adding an analytics layer on top of the acquiring data of all the sales channels, and is available via our API, so that you can get the insights that fits your business and use case.

Combine “Merchant Insights” with “Market Insights” for benchmark against the general market or a specific industry. As an example, what is the general trends for commerce in your industry, which types of customers are high spenders in your shop's area, where are people shopping in a specific area from, and how are you performing in relation to current market benchmarks?


A list of resources below maps the API’s endpoint hierarchy. Find out more details on information pages made for each resource. 


Name of the filter in parentheses.

  • Outlet location ZIP code(s) (outlet_zipcode) - Filter by outlet location ZIP code(s).

    • Use this filter to see only outlets, which are located in a specific ZIP code. To filter on multiple zip codes, define this filter multiple times with different ZIP code values.

  • Outlet location municipality(ies) (outlet_municipality_code) - Filter by outlet location municipality(ies).

    • Use this filter to see only outlets which are located in a specific municipality. To filter on multiple municipalities, define this filter multiple times with different municipality values.

  • Outlet location region(s) (outlet_region_code) - Filter by outlet location region(s).

    • Use this filter to see only outlets which are located in a specific region. To filter on multiple regions, define this filter multiple times with different region values.

  • Outlet location country(ies) (outlet_contry_a3) - Filter by outlet location country(ies).

    • Use this filter to see only outlets which are located in a specific country. To filter on multiple countries, define this filter multiple times with different country values.

  • Outlet location name (outlet_name) - Filter by part of outlet name.

    • Use this filter to see only outlet(s), where part of the outlet name contains a specific input.

  • Outlet location ID(s) (outlet_id) - Filter by outlet ID(s).

    • Use this filter to see only outlet(s) with a specific ID. To filter on multiple IDs, define this filter multiple times with different ID values.

  • VAT code(s) (vat_code) - Filter by company VAT code(s).

    • Use this filter to see only outlet(s) belonging to a specific VAT code. To filter on multiple VAT codes, define this filter multiple times with different VAT code values.

  • Terminal ID(s) (terminal_id) - Filter by terminal(s).

    • Use this filter to see only specific terminal(s) belonging to a specific terminal ID. To filter on multiple terminals, define this filter multiple times with different terminal values.

  • Issuer country(ies) (issuer_country_a3) - Filter by issuer country(ies).

    • Use this filter to only focus on cards issued in specific country. To filter on multiple countries, define this filter multiple times with different country values.

  • Domestic or International (domestic_international) - Filter by domestic or international card spending.

    • Use this filter to only focus on domestic or international card spending.

  • Estimated area of residence zip code(s) (estimated_residence_zipcode) - Filter by estimated area of residence zip code(s) of consumers.

    • Use this filter to only focus on consumers which are estimated to live in a specific zip code. To filter on multiple estimated zip codes, define this filter multiple times with different zip code values.

  • Estimated area of residence municipality(ies) (estimated_residence_municipality_code) - Filter by estimated area of residence municipality(ies) of consumers.

    • Use this filter to only focus on consumers which are estimated to live in a specific municipality. To filter on multiple estimated municipalities, define this filter multiple times with different municipality values.

  • Estimated area of residence region(s) (estimated_residence_region_code) - Filter by estimated area of residence region(s) of consumers.

    • Use this filter to only focus on consumers which are estimated to live in a specific region. To filter on multiple estimated regions, define this filter multiple times with different region values. Do not put multiple region values into the single filter query parameter.

  • Estimated area of residence country(ies) (estimated_residence_country_a3) - Filter by estimated area of residence country(ies) of consumers.

    • Use this filter to only focus on consumers which are estimated to live in a specific country. To filter on multiple estimated countries, define this filter multiple times with different country values. Do not put multiple country values into the single filter query parameter.

  • Regional Local (is_regional_local) - Filter by regional or not regional local transactions.

    • Narrow your search by looking at regional local or not regional local transactions. Regional local transactions correspond to the estimated residence region of a card matches the region of a merchant, and not regional local transactions are the case in which we estimate the cardholder to come from another region than the location of the merchant.

  • Municipality Local (is_municipality_local) - Filter by municipality or not municipality local transactions.

    • Narrow your search by looking at municipality local or not municipality local transactions. Municipality local transactions correspond to the estimated residence municipality of a card matches the municipality of a merchant, and not municipality local transactions are the case in which we estimate the cardholder to come from another municipality than the location of the merchant.

  • Zipcode Local (is_zipcode_local) - Filter by zipcode or not zipcode local transactions.

    • Narrow your search by looking at zipcode local or not zipcode local transactions. Zipcode local transactions correspond to the estimated residence zipcode of a card matches the zipcode of a merchant, and not zipcode local transactions are the case in which we estimate the cardholder to come from another zipcode than the location of the merchant.

  • Business or Private (business_private) - Filter by business or private card spending.

    • Use this filter to only focus on business or private card spending.

  • Online or Physical (online_physical) - Filter by e-commerce (ECOM) or physical (POS) transactions

    • Use this filter to only focus on e-commerce or physical card spending.

  • Scheme(s) (card_scheme) - Filter by payment scheme(s).

    • Use this filter to only focus on specific card spending scheme. To filter on multiple schemes, define this filter multiple times with different scheme values.

  • Transaction type (is_refund) - Filter by refund or regular transactions.

    • Use this filter to only focus on refund or regular transactions.

  • Currency (currency) - Get turnover in specific currency.

    • Use this filter to get turnover results in a specific currency (Default : EUR)

  • Date range (date_range_start + date_range_end) - Get result for a specific date range.

    • Use this filter to only focus on transactions during a specific date range.

  • Hour range (hour_range_start + hour_range_end) - Get result for a specific hour range.

    • Use this filter to only focus on transactions during a specific hour range.

  • Week range (week_number_range_start + week_number_range_end) - Get result for a specific week range.

    • Use this filter to only focus on transactions during a specific week range.

  • Month range (month_range_start + month_range_end) - Get result for a specific month range.

    • Use this filter to only focus on transactions during a specific month range.

  • Year range (year_range_start + year_range_end) - Get result for a specific year range.

    • Use this filter to only focus on transactions during a specific year range.

  • Group By (group_by) - Group the response as wanted. (See more below)

    • Use this filter to structure the response in as wanted. It is possible to group the response in many ways depending on resource.

Group By

The group_by filter makes it possible to define the structure and content of the response. The fields specified in this parameter will be used to group data in the response. For example, let's say we want to look at how much different nationalities spend in each outlet, viewing the data on a weekly basis. To do this, we provide the group_by filter with the following: trx_year, trx_week, issuer_country, outlet_name.
This means that the data will be grouped be transaction year, transactions week, issuer country and outlet name, and you will then get the card turnover, number of cards and number of transactions for each case. The result will have the form:

"transactions_year" : 2020,
"transactions_week" : 4,
"outlet_name" : "Outlet Greve",
"issuer_country" : "Finland",
"number_of_cards" : 30,
"number_of_transactions" : 35,
"card_turnover" : 1000.50


Those fields which reflect the sum of transactions - number of transactions (number_of_transactions), number of cards (number_of_cards) and card turnover (card_turnover) - are affected by the presence of refunds. For each field, a method of calculating the sum has been chosen to accurately represent the value net of refunds. These calculations are as follows:

Card turnover

  • Negative for refunds - the value of each refund is subtracted from the total value of transactions.

  • If the value of refunds exceeds the value of sales, the card turnover will be negative.

Number of transactions

  • Positive for refunds - each refund is counted as a transaction, adding one to the total number of transactions. This is not the same as a reversal which will not count as a transaction.

  • The number of transactions is thus always positive.

Number of cards

  • Negative for refunds - each refund is counted as one fewer card, subtracting one from the total number of cards.

  • The number of cards is always positive as an absolute value is taken.

Important notes on the data

The same cardholder can have multiple cards, so be aware that the number of cards does not equal the number of consumers.  

Some weeks can be pay week one year and not the other year, which of course could lead to wrong conclusions on trends, so be aware of holidays, pay weeks, seasonality, incomplete periods etc.

The area of residence of a card is only an estimate based on previous transaction patterns. Therefore, this should only be used as an indicator.

The residence area of some cards cannot be estimated if they have had to few transactions in the past 6 months, so only the estimable cards are accounted for in this analysis

If you are using the benchmarking resource, we unfortunately do not have all merchants as customers, so these numbers serve only as indicators of the whole market trend.