Welcome to Nets Data Suite Developer Portal!
Exclusive insights for the wide market
New data is published every week
The API is handling data from all Nordic countries
Use the data in your own dashboard or other system
Welcome to Nets Data Suite developer page, which provides documentation, tutorials, and information about different products we have developed. Solid data composed out of millions of transactions from all Nordic countries and more to come. We have developed APIs, which can be used by merchants, issuers or business intelligence users to get an overview of their customers and their spending behavior for different scenarios.
The APIs are continuously developed and improved with a user centric mindset, to make them as user friendly as possible. We encourage you to reach out and give us feedback so we can improve and together make the most out of the APIs. Please, have a look around and read more information about the APIs and corresponding documentations, to see if it could fit some of your needs.
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